To celebrate the 90th anniversary of Academia Sinica, Institutes/Research Centers from Divisions of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, Life Sciences, and Humanities and Social Sciences will be jointly hosting the “Frontiers of Sciences and Humanities Seminar Series” in November 2018. 16 Seminars and mini-symposiums are going to take place in AS. To reveal the research development prospective of the next 10 years, the seminars invite 24 renowned scholars to elaborate on the development of their specialties. It is with hope that the series of activities can raise AS popularity in academia world, inspire AS researchers, and allow general public understanding the position and importance of AS.
More: /90events/sciences-and-humanities/
Contact: Dr. Yen, Ai-Hsin (Department of Academic Affairs and Instrument Service, Academia Sinica), +886-2-2789-9614